Electrification for ‘Under Grid’ Households in Rural Kenya
Kenneth Lee, Eric Brewer, Carson Christiano, Francis Meyo, Edward Miguel, Matthew Podolsky, Javier Rosa, and Catherine Wolfram
African DevelopmentEnvironment and Climate
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 600 million people live without electricity. Despite ambitions of governments and donors to invest in rural electrification, decisions about how to extend electricity access are being made in the absence of rigorous evidence. Using a novel dataset of 20,000 geo-tagged structures in rural Western Kenya, we provide descriptive evidence that electrification rates remain very low despite significant investments in grid infrastructure. This pattern holds across time and for both poor and relatively well-off households and businesses. We argue that if governments wish to leverage existing infrastructure and economies of scale, subsidies and new approaches to financing connections are necessary.
Appliance Ownership and Aspirations among Electric Grid and Home Solar Households in Rural KenyaPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentEnvironment and Climate2016
Does Electrification Supercharge Economic Development?Published PaperAfrican DevelopmentEnvironment and Climate2020
Experimental Evidence on the Economics of Rural ElectrificationPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentEnvironment and ClimateResearch Methodology2020
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Despite $7 billion to ‘Power Africa’, why the continent is still in the darkReuters
Does Electrification Help the Poor?Barcelona, SpainOctober 4, 2019
New Evidence on the Economics of Rural ElectrificationAix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, FranceJune 25, 2018
Fifth Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (ACM-DEV) 2014San Jose, CADecember 5, 2014
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