Climate and Conflict
Burke, Marshall, Solomon M. Hsiang, and Edward Miguel
Environment and ClimatePolitical Economy and ConflictResearch Methodology
We review the emerging literature on climate and conflict.We consider multiple types of human conflict, including both interpersonal conflict, such as assault and murder, and intergroup conflict, including riots and civil war. We discuss key methodological issues in estimating causal relationships and largely focus on natural experiments that exploit variation in climate over time. Using a hierarchical meta-analysis that allows us to both estimate the mean effect and quantify the degree of variability across 55 studies, we find that deviations from moderate temperatures and precipitation patterns systematically increase conflict risk. Contemporaneous temperature has the largest average impact, with each 1 sd increase in temperature increasing interpersonal conflict by 2.4% and intergroup conflict by 11.3%.We conclude by highlighting research priorities, including a better understanding of the mechanisms linking climate to conflict, societies’ ability to adapt to climatic changes, and the likely impacts of future global warming.
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นกวิจยพบว่าภาวะแห้งแล้งทําให้คนแอฟริกนจํานวน มากติดเชือเอชไอวVoices of America Thai
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Confronting Fragility and Conflict in Africa: What Does the Research Tell Us?World Bank - Africa Can End Poverty
How will climate change affect productivity?World Economic Forum
Edward Miguel on the Untidy (but Important) Link Between Climate and ViolenceBlum Center for Developing Economies
Hawkish U.S. Policies Pose Bigger Threat to Peace Than Climate ChangeScientific American
Greens Should Stop Claiming More Warming Means More WarScientific American
Rising Global Temperatures from Climate Change Linked to Increase in ViolenceAllGov
Listen More Closely to Africa’s Voice on Climate ChangeAll Africa
Listen More Closely to Africa’s Voice on Climate ChangeThe New Times Rwanda
There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and ViolenceWashington Post: Wonk Blog
Il Riscaldamento Globale Aumenta la Violenza nel MondoLifeGate
Research links Social Violence with Occurrence of Climate ChangeMaine News Online
Violence & Climate Change: Warming & Storming Disrupt Human LivesCleanTechnica
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L’Afrique a aussi son mot à dire sur le changement climatiqueRwanda News Agency
Can Pools Help to Deter Crime?The New York Times
Extreme Temperatures Threaten Africa’s Fragile GrowthUniversity of Oslo
Ce qu’il faut savoir sur les changments climatiques, la violence et l’aggressivitéAgence Science Presse
Die Welt wird immer aggressiver – stimmt das?Autorenexpress
Si la temperatura aumenta no lo dude: estamos fritosLa Gaceta
Si aumenta la temperatura, nos cocemosEl Observador
Kristof: Temperatures rise, and we’re cookedDaily Reflector
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Kristof: With climate change, it’s not just the globe that’s heating upHouston Chronicle
Climate change is no hoax, and we’d better do something about itAlaska Dispatch News
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Unless Florida voters vote out Trump and Rubio, we are cookedEye on Miami
Temperatures rise, and we’re cookedGlobal Possibilities
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