
Rising Global Temperatures from Climate Change Linked to Increase in Violence

Violence & Climate Change: Warming & Storming Disrupt Human LivesCleanTechnica
Go to Violence & Climate Change: Warming & Storming Disrupt Human Lives
Il Riscaldamento Globale Aumenta la Violenza nel MondoLifeGate
Go to Il Riscaldamento Globale Aumenta la Violenza nel Mondo
There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and ViolenceWashington Post: Wonk Blog
Go to There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and Violence
Join McArthur on Ending HungerForeign Affairs
Go to Join McArthur on Ending Hunger
Weather and conflict in Africa: It’s almost winter and ‘strike season’ in South Africa; war more likely in hot yearsMail & Guardian Africa
Go to Weather and conflict in Africa: It’s almost winter and ‘strike season’ in South Africa; war more likely in hot years
Edward Miguel on the Untidy (but Important) Link Between Climate and ViolenceBlum Center for Developing Economies
Go to Edward Miguel on the Untidy (but Important) Link Between Climate and Violence
Greens Should Stop Claiming More Warming Means More WarScientific American
Go to Greens Should Stop Claiming More Warming Means More War
Research links Social Violence with Occurrence of Climate ChangeMaine News Online
Go to Research links Social Violence with Occurrence of Climate Change

Climate and ConflictOtherEnvironment and ClimatePolitical Economy and ConflictResearch Methodology2015
Go to Climate and Conflict