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How can you use the Social Science Prediction Platform for development papers?
This World Bank blog post explores the Social Science Prediction Platform (SSPP), an innovative tool developed by the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) to enhance the rigor and transparency of development research. The SSPP enables researchers, policymakers, and experts to make and compare predictions about the outcomes of impact evaluations before …
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Do cash transfers cause inflation?
Evidence from cash transfers at scale in Kenya suggests that demand-side policies or stimulus may be very effective at raising output without creating inflationary pressure when there is a lot of ‘slack’ in the economy. This is the second of two articles covering the paper “Slack and Economic Development”. Read the first article – “How …
How can you use the Social Science Prediction Platform for development papers?
This World Bank blog post explores the Social Science Prediction Platform (SSPP), an innovative tool developed by the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) to enhance the rigor and transparency of development research. The SSPP enables researchers, policymakers, and experts to make and compare predictions about the outcomes of impact evaluations before …
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Do cash transfers cause inflation?
Evidence from cash transfers at scale in Kenya suggests that demand-side policies or stimulus may be very effective at raising output without creating inflationary pressure when there is a lot of ‘slack’ in the economy. This is the second of two articles covering the paper “Slack and Economic Development”. Read the first article – “How …
How low demand constrains productivity and economic development
Evidence from Kenya shows that small firms have a lot of ‘slack’, i.e. they could produce substantially more output without having to hire additional workers, buy additional machines, or raise prices, simply by reducing their idle time. Why is slack so pervasive, and what are the consequences for development? This is the first of two …
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Climate change causes conflict: How policy can respond
Conflict is tragically common, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This column reviews the rapidly growing literature linking changes in climate to various types of human conflict and finds that climate change is projected to cause an increase in numerous forms of violent human behaviour. Policies like a robust social safety net and political inclusion …
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Climate change causes conflict: How can policy respond?
Environmental stresses like droughts and temperature increases can exacerbate resource scarcity, leading to tensions and violence, particularly in vulnerable regions. While migration can alleviate pressures in affected areas, it may also introduce challenges in destination regions. Policies like a robust social safety net and political inclusion can help ensure a more peaceful future.
How human capital reshapes religious affiliation
Religion significantly influences people’s lives, both socially and economically. Researchers have long debated whether economic growth and education lead to less religious belief and participation. Yet, in many areas, strong religious beliefs persist despite economic advancements. In a recent study we delve into how economic and educational improvements in Kenya are reshaping religious affiliations, particularly the shift …
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Deworming improves lives across generations
Data tracking children in Kenya since they received deworming treatment over twenty years ago reveals that the benefits of deworming extend into the next generation
How Do Multilateral Agencies’ Contracting Structures Affect the Quality, Timeliness, and Cost of Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects?
Over the past two decades, the world has made tremendous progress towards the UnitedNations’ sustainable development goal (SDG) number seven, namely, access to affordable and clean energy. Multilaterals such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank spend billions of dollars each year in efforts to achieve SDG-7’s goal of universal access, which has …
How contracting structures affect project outcomes in public procurement
Each year, billions of dollars are spent on public infrastructure projects which are often plagued by over-running costs, poor quality, or time delays. This column focuses on an under-studied dimension of contract structure in public procurement, namely, whether the various components of a major project are bundled together or tendered separately. The findings suggest that …
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Power Quality in Donor-Funded Infrastructure Projects
Governments and foreign aid institutions routinely finance large infrastructure construction projects in developing and emerging markets. In 2015, for example, the Government of Kenya launched the Last Mile Connectivity Project, designed to connect all Kenyan households to electricity by 2022 using financing from the World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). To complete …
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How the administration’s open government plan can be more transparent
Since the Biden-Harris administration’s release of its memo calling for a more modern regulatory review process, the U.S. government has taken important steps toward improving access to the data it produces. However, most of its policy analysis, including the estimates quantifying the billions of dollars in benefits and costs related to last year’s Inflation Reduction Act, remain largely …
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Scaling up agricultural policy interventions: Evidence from Uganda
Policy interventions aimed at increasing agricultural productivity have been central in the fight against global poverty. This column uses a new methodology combining experimental data with a quantitative model to shed light on the household-level and distributional effects of scaling up agricultural policies. The authors show how different forms of scaling up agricultural policies can …
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