Civil War
Christopher Blattman and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
Political Economy and Conflict
Most nations have experienced an internal armed conflict since 1960. Yet while civil war is central to many nations' development, it has stood at the periphery of economics research and teaching
War and Local Collective Action in Sierra Leone
John Bellows and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentPolitical Economy and Conflict
We study the brutal 1991-2002 Sierra Leone civil war using nationally representative household data on conflict experiences, postwar economic outcomes, local politics and collective action. Individu
Deworming and Development: Asking the Right Questions, Asking the Questions Right
Donald A. P. Bundy, Michael Kremer, Hoyt Bleakley, Matthew C. H. Jukes, and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalResearch Methodology
Two billion people are infected with intestinal worms. In many areas, the majority of schoolchildren are infected, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for school-based mass deworming.
Warming Increases the Risk of Civil War in Africa
Marshall B. Burke, Edward Miguel, Shanker Satyanath, John A. Dykema, and David B. Lobell
Published Paper
African DevelopmentEnvironment and ClimatePolitical Economy and Conflict
Armed conflict within nations has had disastrous humanitarian consequences throughout much of the world. Here we undertake the first comprehensive examination of the potential impact of global clima
Incentives to Learn
Michael Kremer, Edward Miguel, and Rebecca Thorton
Published Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human Capital
We study a randomized evaluation of a merit scholarship program in which Kenyan girls who scored well on academic exams had school fees paid and received a grant. Girls showed substantial exam score
Individual Ability and Selection into Migration in Kenya
Edward Miguel and Joan Hamory
Working Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalOther
This study exploits a new longitudinal dataset to examine selective migration among 1,500 Kenyan youth originally living in rural areas. We examine whether migration rates are related to individual
Orphans and Schooling in Africa: A Longitudinal Analysis
David K. Evans and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human Capital
AIDS deaths could have a major impact on economic development by affecting the human capital accumulation of the next generation. We estimate the impact of parent death on primary school participati
Corruption, Norms and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets
Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
OtherPolitical Economy and Conflict
We study cultural norms and legal enforcement in controlling corruption by analyzing the parking behavior of United Nations officials in Manhattan. Until 2002, diplomatic immunity protected UN diplo
The Impact of Child Health and Nutrition on Education in Less Developed Countries
Paul Glewwe and Edward A. Miguel
Book Chapter
HealthEducation and Human Capital
Hundreds of millions of children in less developed countries suffer from poor health and nutrition. Children in most less developed countries also complete far fewer years of schooling, and learn le
The Electoral Cost of War: Iraq Casualties and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election
David Karol and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
OtherPolitical Economy and Conflict
Many contend that President Bush's reelection and increased vote share in 2004 prove that the Iraq War was either electorally irrelevant or aided him. We present contrary evidence. Focusing on t
The Illusion of Sustainability
Michael Kremer and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human Capital
We use a randomized evaluation of a Kenyan deworming program to estimate peer effects in technology adoption and to shed light on foreign aid donors' movement towards sustainable community provi
Poverty and Violence: An Overview of Recent Research and Implications for Foreign Aid
Edward Miguel
Book Chapter
Environment and ClimatePolitical Economy and Conflict
Dozens of countries around the world have suffered civil conflicts in the past few decades, with the highest concentration in Sub-Saharan Africa. The direct humanitarian consequences of war for surv