War and Institutions: New Evidence from Sierra Leone
John Bellows and Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentPolitical Economy and Conflict
Scholars of economic development have argued that war can have adverse impacts on later economic performance: war destroys physical capital and infrastructure and disrupts human capital accumulation
Anemia and School Participation
Gustavo J. Bobonis, Edward Miguel, and Charu Puri-Sharma
Published Paper
HealthEducation and Human Capital
Anemia is among the most widespread health problems for children in developing countries. This paper evaluates the impact of a randomized health intervention delivering iron supplementation and dewo
Poverty and Crime in 19th Century Germany
Halvor Mehlum, Edward Miguel, and Ragnar Torvik
Published Paper
Environment and ClimateOtherPolitical Economy and Conflict
We estimate the impact of poverty on crime in 19th century Bavaria, Germany. Rainfall is used as an instrumental variable for grain (rye) prices to address econometric identification problems in the
Does Industrialization Build or Destroy Social Networks?
Edward Miguel, Paul Gertler, and David I. Levine
Published Paper
This article estimates the relationship between changes in industrialization and changes in social networks measures in Indonesia during 1985-97 using repeated cross sections of nationally represent
Book Review: Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Theory and Evidence by Marcel Fafchamps
Edward Miguel
African DevelopmentOther
Ethnic Diversity and Poverty Reduction
Edward Miguel
Book Chapter
African DevelopmentPolitical Economy and Conflict
This essay begins with a discussion of the recent social science literature on the impact of ethnic, racial, and religious divisions, and then proposes a set of policies that less-developed countrie
Who are Russia’s Entrepreneurs?
Simeon Djankov, Edward Miguel, Yingyi Qian, Gerard Roland, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
Published Paper
Social scientists studying entrepreneurship have emphasized three distinct sets of variables: the institutional environment, sociological variables, and personal and psychological characteristics. W
Ethnic Diversity, Social Sanctions, and Public Goods in Kenya
Edward Miguel and Mary Kay Gugerty
Published Paper
African DevelopmentPolitical Economy and Conflict
This paper examines ethnic diversity and local public goods in rural western Kenya. The identification strategy relies on the stable historically determined patterns of ethnic land settlement. Ethni
Does Social Capital Promote Industrialization? Evidence from a Rapid Industrializer
Edward Miguel, Paul Gertler, and David I. Levine
Published Paper
A new stylized fact in development economics is the importance of social capital in promoting economic growth. This paper examines the effect of social capital on industrialization in Indonesia. We
Health, Education, and Economic Development
Edward Miguel
Book Chapter
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalOther
The volume Health and Economic Growth: Findings and Policy Implications is evidence of the growing awareness within economics of the important connections between health and poverty in less develope
Poverty and Witch Killing
Edward Miguel
Published Paper
African DevelopmentEnvironment and ClimatePolitical Economy and Conflict
This study uses rainfall variation to estimate the impact of income shocks on murder in rural Tanzania. Extreme rainfall (drought or flood) leads to a large increase in the murder of "witches&q
Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities
Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer
Published Paper
African DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalResearch Methodology
Intestinal helminths–including hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, and schistosomiasis–infect more than one-quarter of the world's population. Studies in which medical treatment is random