
Hoe Warmer de Aarde, Hoe Meer Agressie

There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and ViolenceWashington Post: Wonk Blog
Go to There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and Violence
The Climate Change Conflict NexusUN Dispatch
Go to The Climate Change Conflict Nexus
Clima-salute: Un Rapporto in CrescendoAgora Magazine
Go to Clima-salute: Un Rapporto in Crescendo
¿Puede el Calor Aumentar la Tasa de Violencia?Blog: Dennis Chirinos
Go to ¿Puede el Calor Aumentar la Tasa de Violencia?
Economists are getting to grips with the impact of climate changeFreenewspos
Go to Economists are getting to grips with the impact of climate change
Climate Change Increases Risk of Civil War in AfricaPanorama
Go to Climate Change Increases Risk of Civil War in Africa
The Weather ReportThe Economist
Go to The Weather Report
Así es el calor: Nórdicos Felices, Playas en Siberia, Conflictos y Efectos Sobre el CrecimientoLa Nacion
Go to Así es el calor: Nórdicos Felices, Playas en Siberia, Conflictos y Efectos Sobre el Crecimiento
Agresiones Contra El AmbienteEl Nuevo Dia
Go to Agresiones Contra El Ambiente

Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human ConflictPublished PaperEnvironment and ClimatePolitical Economy and ConflictResearch Methodology2013
Go to Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict