Deworming Improves Child Cognition. Eventually.
October 15, 2014
The World Bank
News Article
Deworming as a Public Health Intervention: Can It Have Lasting Effects?End the Neglect Blog
Attack of the WormsNew York Times, by Nicholas D. Kristof
A Promising Study on the Long-term Effects of DewormingGiveWell
India Launches Campaigns Against Two Neglected DiseasesHumanosphere
Deworming the World for Better Schools, Brighter FuturesWorld Economic Forum
Twenty Year Economic Impacts of DewormingPublished PaperEducation and Human CapitalHealth2021
When Should Governments Subsidize Health? The Case of Mass DewormingPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human Capital2015
Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment ExternalitiesPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalResearch Methodology2004