Publication in The Economic Journal
A recent study published in The Economic Journal investigates the direct impact of temperature on economic decision-making and destructive behavior by Ingvild Almås, Maximilian Auffhammer, Tessa Bold, Ian Bolliger, Aluma Dembo, Solomon M Hsiang, Shuhei Kitamura, Edward Miguel, Robert Pickmans.
Allegedly does not replicate | Episode 9
In this episode, we sit down with Ted Miguel, a prominent economist and a leading voice in open science, to explore the transformative role of pre-analysis plans and other open science initiatives in research. We discuss how these practices are reshaping the social sciences by fostering transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration. Ted shares his insights on …
A massive basic income experiment in Africa | Dennis Egger (Oxford University)
Visit this page to join a village fundraiser and help send life changing cash to 164 families in a Kenya directly, no strings attached. The effects of these transfers are studied and recorded in detail, revolutionizing our understanding of the macroeconomic effects of cash transfers.
How economic history can benefit people today and generations to come
In the segment at 4:34, Professor Ted Miguel offers a concise analysis on conflict and recovery, drawing lessons from economic history to highlight resilience and growth.
Who benefits from the indirect effects of cash transfer programs?
The World Bank blog post explores the indirect effects of cash transfer programs, focusing on how benefits extend beyond direct recipients. It examines new research findings that challenge previous assumptions, revealing that spillover effects are often more significant for non-recipients in treated areas. The discussion highlights the complexity of measuring these impacts and the importance …
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Economist James A. Robinson, a new Nobel laureate, left a lasting impact in his years at UC Berkeley
Robinson helped to transform the study of development in low-income countries, and built a network of influential former students. His win is now one of four 2024 Nobel Prizes awarded to scholars with UC Berkeley connections.
Why breaking the rules is easy for Trump
The US presidential race can be seen as a tussle between ‘universal’ and ‘situational’ views of the law
Set out statistics, technology roadmap to aid globalisation
This article discusses some of the highlights from the 2024 Africa Evidence Summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
TBCLIVE: TBC News, July 11, 2024 | From 10:00pm – 10:30pm
Ted’s talk starts at 19:30. He mentioned that Artificial Intelligence is the future and will impact research world and policy.
Research and evidence uptake: Why rigorous research is crucial for developing inclusive policies
As Tanzania seeks to compound economic growth that exceeded five percent in 2023 and chart a collective vision of development for the next 25 years, the annual Africa Evidence Summit convenes in Dar es Salaam this week in a dialogue among stakeholders and the national government to champion the use of rigorous and inclusive research …
TBC: Africa Evidence Summit | Lakutanisha Watafiti | Tathimini Katika Sera Yapigwa Chapuo
Ted’s talk begins at 04:48. He highlighted why the Africa Evidence Summit is so exciting: 1. Most of the research presented is conducted by African scholars within a global collaborative framework, and 2. CEGA is at the forefront of utilizing high-quality data and advanced methodologies, while the new generation is generating a wealth of new …
Syrian refugee study releases four years of panel data to spur new insights into understudied communities
BERKELEY, CA (20 June 2024) – To commemorate World Refugee Day, the Syrian Refugee Life Study (S-RLS) today provided open access to four years of comprehensive panel data from its longitudinal study of Syrian refugee households. Seeking to address a critical gap in evidence about displaced communities, the researchers behind the study hope to encourage …
Backstory: Edward Miguel and Paul Niehaus on the General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers
In this episode of backstory, host Aakash Bhalothia interviews development economists Edward Miguel and Paul Niehaus about their Frisch award-winning paper, “General Equilibrium Effects of Cash Transfers: Experimental Evidence from Kenya.” They discuss the paper’s groundbreaking findings on the macroeconomic impacts of cash transfers in rural Kenya. The conversation delves into how the authors started working together, …
BITSS Honored for Building the Next Generation of Open Science Advocates
“We know that institutions matter: They transform the [scientific] dedication of individuals to the next generation,” remarked representatives of the Einstein Foundation Berlin as they awarded the Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research to BITSS on March 14.
How poor Kenyans became economists’ guinea pigs
Randomised controlled trials have many problems. They may still be the best tool for solving poverty
Lagos to Mombasa Podcast: How Does Climate Impact Conflict?
Is there a relationship between climate change and conflict? In this episode of Lagos to Mombasa, Gyude speaks to Dr. Edward (Ted) Miguel, professor of economics at University of California Berkley, about the impact of rising temperatures, extreme droughts, and floods on competition for resources, and how governments can respond to climate change’s compounding impact …
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Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research
The Einstein Foundation Berlin is to honor Belgian bioinformatician Yves Moreau, the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences, and the Responsible Research Assessment Initiative with this year’s Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research 2023.
Skill versus voice in local development
When the state is weak, autocratic traditional chiefs control the provision of public goods. If they don’t have the technical skills that these tasks need, can delegation to technocrats or inclusive decision-making improve outcomes? Katherine Casey tells Tim Phillips about the results of an experiment in Sierra Leone.
Six Questions with Ted Miguel
Edward (Ted) Miguel is the Oxfam Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics and co-Director of the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at Berkeley. After a famous early paper with Michael Kremer had him known as “that worms guy”, Ted has gone on to study a wide range of topics on African economic development, including health, …
Interview with Professor Ted Miguel
Ted Miguel is the Oxfam Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. He is a founder of CEGA, and his research focuses on development economics, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Two Berkeley Economic Review members got the chance to ask him about his background and research earlier this year.
Edward Miguel: Connecting Research and Policy
Miguel has collaborated with us since our early days, starting with our Deworm the World program, which was launched based on his research with Michael Kremer that determined deworming is a cost-effective way to improve children’s school attendance. We’ve continued to collaborate with him over the past ten years as his research on deworming expanded to look …
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What Have We Learned From a Summer of Climate Reckoning?
This summer has been a parade of broken climate records. June was the hottest June and July was not just the hottest July but the hottest month ever on record. At the same time, it looks like we are at the start of a green revolution: Decarbonization efforts have gone far better than what many …
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Hot under the collar? Heat can make you angry and even aggressive, research finds
If sweating through your shirt in summer’s extreme heat makes you mad, you’re not alone. In fact, research shows that there’s a direct correlation between high temperatures and hot tempers, and that anger can sometimes lead to bad behavior.
In a hot room, you’re told to play a vicious game. Will heat make you behave badly?
Here’s an experiment that seems excruciating to imagine in the midst of the current global heat wave: Starting six years ago, researchers began putting thousands of people in baking hot rooms to find out if high temperatures may make us more violent. The findings surprised even the scientists – and could have major implications for …