Study: Global Warming Could Trigger Rise in Violent Behavior
Join McArthur on Ending HungerForeign Affairs
Al mal tiempo, buenas ideas. O cómo inspirarse en los días de lluviaLa Nacion
Weather and conflict in Africa: It’s almost winter and ‘strike season’ in South Africa; war more likely in hot yearsMail & Guardian Africa
There’s a Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change and ViolenceWashington Post: Wonk Blog
The Climate Change Conflict NexusUN Dispatch
Clima-salute: Un Rapporto in CrescendoAgora Magazine
¿Puede el Calor Aumentar la Tasa de Violencia?Blog: Dennis Chirinos
Economists are getting to grips with the impact of climate changeFreenewspos
Climate Change Increases Risk of Civil War in AfricaPanorama
Further Reading: Climate Strongly Affects Human Conflict and Violence
The Weather ReportThe Economist
Feeling Hot Can Fuel RageScientific American
Top 100 Discoveries of 2013: Climate Change May Lead to More Wars #91Discover Magazine
Research Suggests Global Warming Related to Increased ViolencePublic Radio International: Living on Earth Blog
Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human ConflictPublished PaperEnvironment and ClimatePolitical Economy and ConflictResearch Methodology2013