
Spring Cleaning: Rural Water Impacts, Valuation, and Property Rights Institutions

Social Engineering: Evidence from a Suite of Take-up Experiments in KenyaWorking PaperAfrican DevelopmentEnvironment and ClimateHealthEducation and Human Capital2011
Go to Social Engineering: Evidence from a Suite of Take-up Experiments in Kenya
Being Surveyed Can Change Later Behavior and Related Parameter EstimatesPublished PaperEnvironment and ClimateHealthEducation and Human CapitalOtherResearch Methodology2011
Go to Being Surveyed Can Change Later Behavior and Related Parameter Estimates
Impacts and Determinants of Health Levels in Low-Income CountriesPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalResearch Methodology2017
Go to Impacts and Determinants of Health Levels in Low-Income Countries
Willingness to pay for cleaner water in less developed countries: systematic review of experimental evidencePublished PaperEnvironment and ClimateHealthEducation and Human CapitalResearch Methodology2012
Go to Willingness to pay for cleaner water in less developed countries: systematic review of experimental evidence
Risky Transportation Choices and the Value of a Statistical LifePublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human CapitalOther2017
Go to Risky Transportation Choices and the Value of a Statistical Life

Identification and the Identity of Development Economics: Non-random Thoughts on the Use of Randomized ExperimentsDavis, CA, USAMarch 17, 2007
Go to Identification and the Identity of Development Economics: Non-random Thoughts on the Use of Randomized Experiments
Evidence to Action (E2A) 2015GoogleMay 4, 2015
Go to Evidence to Action (E2A) 2015

Water TechnologiesBoston Review
Go to Water Technologies
Deciphering the Demand for Safe Drinking WaterResources for the Future: Weekly Policy Commentary
Go to Deciphering the Demand for Safe Drinking Water

Valuing Clean Water in Rural KenyaFight Entropy Blog, by Solomon Hsiang
Go to Valuing Clean Water in Rural Kenya
Cheap Water, Deadly WaterProperty and Environment Research Center (PERC) Report, by Daniel K. Benjamin
Go to Cheap Water, Deadly Water
Evaluating Programs to Reduce Diarrhea in Rural Kenya by Improving Source Water QualityEnvironmental and Urban Economics Blog, by Matthew Kahn and Cong Sun
Go to Evaluating Programs to Reduce Diarrhea in Rural Kenya by Improving Source Water Quality
Lives vs. Livelihoods Revisited: Should Poorer Countries with Younger Populations Have Equally Strict Lockdowns?Center for Global Development
Go to Lives vs. Livelihoods Revisited: Should Poorer Countries with Younger Populations Have Equally Strict Lockdowns?