
To Solve a Problem, You Need More Than a Theory – You Need a Randomized Controlled Trial

Field Trials Aim to Tackle PovertyNature
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Random ActsSlate Magazine
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Incentivizing Safe Sex: a Randomized Trial of Conditional Cash Transfers for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention in Rural TanzaniaPublished PaperAfrican DevelopmentHealthEducation and Human Capital2012
Go to Incentivizing Safe Sex: a Randomized Trial of Conditional Cash Transfers for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention in Rural Tanzania

Identification and the Identity of Development Economics: Non-random Thoughts on the Use of Randomized ExperimentsDavis, CA, USAMarch 17, 2007
Go to Identification and the Identity of Development Economics: Non-random Thoughts on the Use of Randomized Experiments